Sunday, March 30, 2014

Conference Day One

As part of my assignments to this course the professor invite us to attend at the Student Conference titled: “Student Interventions in General Studies: Interdisciplinary projects and creative initiatives” presented by the faculty of General Studies. There some of my classmates presented their work to the audience about the topics of our course. First, Laura presented her paper making an introduction of what it was our course about. She explained very well the journey that we were doing in this class from difference perspectives and papers. We’ve been able to experience two types of journeys, the internal and external. According to Laura the external was the experiences based on interactions with the external social world and the internal was based on your internal interactions. This definition that I agree with them because gives the essence of the course. Later she started to talk about how the world see Puerto Rico and how important is the global view of it. Also she mentioned that the political status of Puerto Rico is an issue that people don’t understand very well.  In second place, Carla talked about the helping method and communication from the Cooper’s essays. She mentioned that this method was wrong and to be able to succeed we had to put it away.  Also she said that in a professional world this method couldn’t be used. In third place, Lorna talked about Small place and Peter Roberts.  Then Sylvette show us her paper, about the communication between tourists and travelers. This one was my favorite because she explained through all the conference the point of view of tourists and travelers. Finally, in my opinion this conference was a good source to every student that want to expand their knowledge about the identity of each country and how outsiders perceive them.


  1. I could not attend to the panels of the first day because I had class, but from what I read it was a very good panel.

  2. Very interesting panel! I couldn't have explained it better myself!

  3. First I do not like the picture. Second It was an amazing experience. I remember that when I was reading my essay, I looked at you to stay calm, so thanks.

  4. It was a very interesting panel. Prof. Pittmann and my classmates did a very good job elaborating the panel.

  5. We're all so serious! I think it was because of the nerves. I'm glad you liked what we all presented.
