Wednesday, February 26, 2014

"The Puerto Ricans helping method"

In this chapter Cooper talks about a “controversial” kind of helping method that most of the Puerto Rican students tend to use. Method, that for now I’m going to call the “Puerto Rican helping method; but, is this cheating or it’s just part of our culture as Puerto Ricans? The truth is that my personal experience reflects that Puerto Ricans are really helpful and always tend to help each other in “everything”. Thing that it’s not that different in school or academically works; and that’s where the author takes place to write about the line between helping and cheating.
Through the chapter he mentioned how students tend to do home works in-group without realizing that this action could be cheating. As a college student and Puerto Rican I’ve experienced this all the time, from a home test through professional works. Some people just explain to others when they have doubts but there are times when we/they only five the answer to the whole group to try to save time. This comes with many consequences that in the future will be harmful to the person who is getting help. It’s all about perspective but seeing Cooper’s point of view make us see as a cheaters.

For me this method is part of what we are and what we’ve been learning through all the years. And it’s difficult not to use it when everyone is so familiarized and okay with it.  It should be noted that I’m not saying that I’m one hundred percent in favor of this but it’s just so “normal” that I can’t argue about it.


  1. Do you also use this method? What is ethical or unethical to you about the "helping"? Could you be more specific?

  2. It is very true. We Puerto Ricans are used to the "helping" method. Nevertheless, we should consider if it's the right way to study.

  3. I think that we should use the helping method will we are studying, but at the time of the test no.

  4. I really like your title. I can identify myself with your point of view and I think many of us can. It's something we face everyday one way or another and since we're so used to it, we fail to see it.

  5. I have to agree with you an Carla. The picture summarizes the situation. Nice post.

  6. The helping method is a very effective method when you are studying for the test, but while your are doing your test, everyone should be on their own. Nice.
